1.In the first photograph, the emotion is very somber. The image shows soldiers and a citizen carrying a dead body through the flooded streets after a dam burst in Indonesia. The flooding left more than 50 dead, and in the photo you can see the tragedy and run it has brought. As a long shot, you can determine the place, mood and scale, which is shown by the houses in the background compared to the height of the floodwater. I feel like this photo would accompany a story about the breaking of the dam well, evoking emotion in the reader while accurately portraying the damages, both to the country and its people.

2.This image shows a man in Sarajevo, Bosnia, as he walks by a wall of posters of political parties and candidates for the upcoming elections. There seems to be several different candidates, and the way the same faces are repeated multiple times next to each other indicates that the candidates may have high self-images, or promotions for the elections are plentiful. The photographer, however, captures a single man strolling past the wall, head down, hands clasped, ignoring the wall altogether. This indicates that though the elections may be important to the candidates, the average person who lives in Sarajevo has no interest in it whatsoever, and is simply biding his or her time until it is over.

3.The third image shows a forensic expert as he examines a body of an alleged killer. The person is suspected to have died during a shootout between gangs in Acapulco, Mexico. My favorite thing about the third picture is the close up of the car with bullet holes in the door. The people in the background create another layer of interest, specifically the man lying on the ground, who viewers assume to be one of the seven people killed in the shootout. Immediately upon looking at the photo, your eye is drawn to the bright red door and the bullet holes, allowing you to know right away that this is a story that involves shooting. The clever photography tells more of a story than just a picture of the forensic expert and dead body alone would.
I found picture #3 to be somewhat gruesome but it really pulled me in. The photo is very raw and does a great job of bringing what's happening to life for the reader.
ReplyDeleteWow. Excellent news photos Katelyn. They all spark emotion. What I like about #2 is the feeling that you have all these candidates and the person walking by just doesn't care -- it's as if the faces are talking to this guy and he remains apathetic.