This portrait is my favorite photo of Katie. I like the way she is pictured in the last third of the photograph, making for a more interesting design element than if she were in the middle. I love the background color, and the neutral grey and white in her apparel is a good complement for the deep eggplant. I also like how the emotion on her face is almost a half smile, half serious, and the way you can see her profile, while still seeing a little bit of the other side of her face. Maybe it's because I'm not a huge fan of my own profile, but I really dislike profile pictures when all you can see is one side of the person’s face. The photo is simple and natural, which I believe are a few of the most important elements in a photograph.
I thought this photo was very well done. I like the background color, and the background is simple enough not to be distracting. I also think it's interesting that even though it's a portrait, Katie isn't looking at the camera. This makes you wonder whether it was really posed or not.