Monday, October 4, 2010

News Photos

This photo was taken after Hurricane Katrina, showing New Orleans' Garden District being taken over by arson and looting. Although it's not a happy event, I think the photo is visually compelling. The trees on either side frame the picture, and the reflection in the water magnifies the impact of the event. The stark contrast of colors makes it grab the audience's attention.

This picture came from a New York Times science article about a group of researchers who are trying to teach a computer to teach itself and learn in a way similar to the way people learn. I think this photo is a great example of how to take a story that at first seems visually uninteresting -- scientists in a lab working on a computer -- and finding a clever and exciting photo opportunity.

This photo, showing a man falling from the World Trade Center after the September 11 terrorist attacks, is tragic and shocking. But I think the fact that it's so unsettling adds to its visual power to show the horror of the event. I think this photo is also very well composed in that it has a simple, uncluttered background, unlike many disaster photos, which are chaotic and visually cluttered.


  1. I really liked your picture of the scientist even though it isn't the most visually striking of the images you chose. I think it shows so creativity in a situation where it would be easy to get a very boring picture. That being said, while the picture is silly and fun, there isn't much else to it. But then I guess there just wasn't much you could do with a picture like this.

  2. Your last photo is really impactful both simply emotionally and journalistically. It is a journalistic success because it displays reality in its rawest form. It reminds me of the movie "Remember Me." Some people criticized the movie because the 911 ending was so "unexpected." The reality is, however, that the event itself was unexpected. The jarring quality of this photo conveys that.

  3. I think the science picture is awesome, too. Like Lane said, the photographer took an event that would normally be pretty dull to photograph and turned it into a photo that was visually appealing. The photo of the man falling from the World Trade Center breaks my heart. It's such a simple photograph, but has so much impact.

  4. Great selections Briana. In the first two photos, it's clear the photographer had to do some extra work to find an engaging photo. He/she didn't just start snapping hoping to land a good shot.
