Sunday, October 3, 2010


This picture by Danish Siddiqui of Reuters shows the Indian sport Mallakhamb. It makes really good use of foreground and background. I especially like how the boy hangs down from the top of the frame and it is not apparent how he is suspended.

This second photo is very powerful with som
e context. The man is an Israeli at the funeral service for four Israelis killed in an attack by the Islamic group Hamas. I like it because the background information is so important, as you can see the Dome of the Rock in the distance.

This last photo is just sweet. The ships belong to the South Korean Marine Corps, which are participating in a mock landing operation. As a long shot it already works really well with the symmetry of the three ships with smoke coming from their guns, but the exploding shell in the middle of the air rules.

All the pictures can be found here.


  1. Love your picks, especially the first and last. The orange brings great contrast to the photo and the chalk on the boys hands too. The last photo is pretty amazing. Talk about capturing a moment. All three photos have great composition. The eye is immediatly drawn to the boy up front since he is centered and the man in the middle because the photographer used the BG well.

  2. All of these photos are fantastic. Each tells a story in its own way and enhances a story when paired with it. I love the moment and expression of the boy's face in the first photo. The frame is filled adequately, while a slightly blurred background that shows people even though they aren't the focus. I like most about the photo that it keeps you wanting more information. It represents an Indian sport being played, but you can't really tell what it is, therefore, you need to read the story to understand. The man's anguish in the second photo is clear. The blurred background shows where he is and but almost tells a different story--the background of his personal anguish. The third shot is just awesome. At first it looks like war, but then the caption illuminates that it is just a demonstration. Still cool. Filled, engaging frame. All three of these photos are great!

  3. I love the first picture. It might be my favorite that anyone's posted. I think my favorite part is how natural everyone in the background looks. Most of them are not even looking at the suspended boy, showing that this is just an ordinary part of their culture. I also like how the boy seems to know something that we don't.

    The second picture was really powerful as well. I like how the background is hazy, and it looks like the dust from the attack is still fresh and settling. I feel like this photo is almost more gripping, because we can't see his face so it leaves more of his emotions up to our imagination.

  4. Wow. All of the images you picked out were so great. Not only were they visually stimulating and interesting to look at, but I feel like each one of them actually added to the story that they were related to. I loved how much impact the second photo had because of the emotion you can see in the man, and also because of the additional information in the background. Also the last photo is just so cool.

  5. The third photo is great -- honestly a lucky shot (but still framed perfectly). What I love about photos #1 and #2 is how they draw the reader in. You clearly see emotion in these profile pictures, but you're not sure what's going on. So it makes you read the story ... or at least the cutline.
